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Updated on 03 Oct 2023

A tag-panel is a tool designed by experts and used by TeamTV for korfball.

It allows the generation of the following videos and statistics:

  • All attacks and defenses from both positions.
  • All taken chances in the game.
  • Statistics for all players, including shot efficiency.
  • Attack efficiency for all positions.
  • Rebound percentages per position.

To tag a match, follow these steps:

  1. Scroll to the beginning of the match, where the referee blows the whistle.
  2. Click on the team/position that has possession of the ball and will start.
  3. If someone takes a chance, click on 'Shot missed' or 'Shot goal'.
  4. If the ball is lost (excluding rebounds), tag it as 'Ball loss' (important for rebound percentage).
  5. If the ball goes to the other position, tag it as 'Ball over'.
  6. Continue and repeat steps 4-6 until the end of the match.

Make sure to always have possession enabled for a team. It automatically changes possession, for example, after 2 goals (change of position) or after 1 goal and if you tag 'Ball over'.

If you want to enter more details per player, you can click on a chance (pencil icon) on the right side:

The next screen will appear, where you can enter additional details for each shot. These data will all be visible in the statistics.

If live tagging is used, all this will also be visible after linking the video. It is also possible to adjust the live tagging with this.

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  • Tag-panel is an essential tool for sports video analysis and team performance evaluation.
  • It helps coaches and players gain insights and improve their strategies.
Quick Facts
  • The tag-panel is a tool used in korfball by TeamTV to generate videos and statistics.
  • It allows analyzing attacks, defenses, chances, and player statistics.