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Updated on 03 Oct 2023

A Poule-Beheerder, which translates to 'Poule Manager' in English, is a designated person responsible for managing and overseeing the scheduling and administration of a poule. The Poule-Beheerder is responsible for creating and updating the poule's schedule, inputting team names and trainers, and coordinating with TeamTV for any necessary changes or inquiries.

If there is sufficient interest in creating a new poule that is not listed, individuals can express their interest in becoming a Poule-Beheerder. They can send an email to with details about the proposed poule, including team names and trainers.

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  • The role of a Poule-Beheerder is crucial in ensuring the smooth operation of a poule.
  • Poule-Beheerders play a key role in facilitating effective communication between teams and TeamTV.
Quick Facts
  • A Poule-Beheerder is a designated person responsible for managing a poule.
  • They handle scheduling, administration, and coordination related to the poule.
  • Individuals can express interest in becoming a Poule-Beheerder for a new poule.